HomePHDPhD LifeWhat is Most Important in a PhD? The Quality or Quantity of...

What is Most Important in a PhD? The Quality or Quantity of the Journal Publication?

Quality or Quantity of the Journal Publication?

When it comes to journal publication in the academic and research centre. There is always a question arise whether the important factor in journal publication is quality or quantity?

China is the world’s top nation in publishing articles in the high impact journal, and America and India are second and third countries.

There are 1000s of journals publishing every day, but not all the publications used in the purposeful applications.

So, what is the motive of the authors, whether they simply publishing to get graduate or to building their CV? What is a solution to it? Because research is a major contribution to the development of any country. We should focus on quality and not the quantity?

Question: What is most important in a PhD? The Quality or Quantity of the Journal Publication?


The biggest education system in the world today is China, India, and the US. This is because the world’s largest population is also China, India and the US. Therefore, these countries control the largest journal publications. Quality and quantity are two inseparable sides of the coin, both things are equally important.

But the most important thing is whether the articles in PhD have an impact to improve the education system in the world or not?

Some good quality papers can change our things and the entire research scenario and have a good impact on science and education system.

Also, this scenario will change the whole world because when such researchers teach their students the same things and motivate them. After that, someday their research will give more impressive results.

Researchers main role is to give basic knowledge and to explore more of the basic theory and concept. But this ratio is very low.

Since many years basic principles have not changed. Yes, some new areas of science have developed a new concept, but this does not mean that there is any role play for science, innovation, and education.


In conclusion, a genuine contribution to the scientific society is always ultimate. It may not give the real impact at once. but, in the longer time period, there are lots of possibilities that the genuine and quality contribution will change the world.


In October 2008, Satoshi Nakamoto( Pseudonymous person) published a white paper about bitcoin. This paper was the first to solve the double-spending problem for digital currency using a peer-to-peer network.

Related article: What is Bitcoin?

Highlights of this publication:

  • Still, the author of this bitcoin implementation is unidentified. Yes, Nakamoto has not disclosed any personal information when discussing technical matters.
  • The white paper https://bitcoin.org/bitcoin.pdf was not published in the high impact factor journal.
  • In the world, bicoin value estimated the highest valued digital currency market.
  • Blockchain technology is already a revolutionary concept, which gave its contribution in many fields from healthcare to banking sector.
  • In 2025, Blockchain’s direct contribution is more than 200 fields, including science, engineering, and finance.

In order to give a real contribution to society, the work need not be published in the high impact factor journal or from a renowned author.

Good quality work identified by the work itself.

Hope, this article helps you to rectify the doubt about the quality and quantity journal publications.

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