Home Funded Projects Department of Science and Technology (DST) INDIA-ITALY JOINT SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY JOINT PROJECT PROPOSALS (2021-2023)


The Department of Science and Technology (DST), Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India and the Directorate-General for Economic and Cultural Promotion and Innovation – Office IX of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation invites proposals of India – Italy joint science projects.


With regard to the present call three funding schemes are available:

1 “Mobility of Researchers”: joint research projects where only the expenses for researchers’ mobility are funded by both Parties.

2 “Significant Project”: joint research projects where research activities are co-funded by both Parties.

3 “Networks of Excellence”, co-funded by both parties and aimed at creating long-term sustainable interactions between multiple Italian and Indian Research institutions, based on existing infrastructure, with significant impact on one priority research area Each PI must submit only one proposal and can apply to only one funding scheme, either (1) Mobility of Researchers, or (2) Significant Projects, or (3) Networks of Excellence, under penalty of exclusion from the Call for multiple submissions.


The Call is open to scientists or faculty members regularly employed in universities and research institutions, including hospitals and foundations, as well as working in private nonprofit institutions that carry on R&D activities, in Italy or in India. Indian PIs should be scientists/faculty members working in a regular capacity in universities, academic institutes and national research and development laboratories/institutes. The Indian
Principal Investigator (PI) should not be retiring or leaving the parent institute during the proposed duration of the project.

Italian PIs shall hold Italian nationality or any other EU nationality provided they are permanently resident in Italy. The Indian applicants who are in any way involved in the implementation of two or more projects that were previously supported by the DST (International Group) and that are not expected to be completed by 31st March 2021 are not eligible to be a member of the research team. Italian and Indian PIs must submit the same project proposal to the respective Authorities responsible for the implementation of the Executive Programme. Proposals submitted in only
one Country will not be considered for evaluation. Projects must refer to activities to be completed within the period of validity of the Executive Programme and must be drafted in English.


Project proposals must be jointly prepared by the Italian and Indian Focal Point Coordinators using the submission forms that can be downloaded from the MAECI and DST websites. Each of the two Coordinators will submit an identical copy of the application form, duly filled-in and signed, to their respective funders (MAECI and DST) as specified below. In both countries, the forms shall be signed by the two Focal Point Coordinators, as well as by the legal representatives of both applying Research Institutions to which they belong. Project proposals submitted to only one of the two parties will not be accepted.

Italian applicants shall send their application by certified e-mail (PEC) to the following address: dgsp09.pec@cert.esteri.it, including the family name of the Italian Focal Point Coordinator, followed by the indication of the call (Italy-India) in the Object of the e-mail. In addition to the signed pdf copy of the proposal, Italian Focal Point Coordinators must send an identical copy without signatures in .doc/.docx format. Italian applicants must also submit an endorsement letter, signed by the legal representative of the applying institution.

The endorsement letter shall be sent by regular e-mail by the call deadline to the following email address: dgsp09.selezionepe@esteri.it, and identified in the “Object” of the email composition by including the family name of the Italian Focal Point Coordinator, followed by the indication of the call (ItalyIndia).

Indian applicants seeking funding can download the proposal formats from websites www.dst.gov.in / www.onlinedst.gov.in and should submit a completed application form and all relevant information through the e-PMS portal of the DST.


[9th April 2021] For India: [18.00 hrs]
For Italy: [14.00 hrs] C.E.S.T. (Central European Summer Time)

More Information: DST


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