The Organic Chemistry Division of the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Technology at UiT The Arctic University of Norway announces a vacant for the Postdoctoral position in Organic Synthesis in the project “NANOsense: cryptophanes for methane sensing”.
The goal of this project is to develop optimal cryptophane host molecules for incorporation into cutting-edge optical methane sensors designed particularly for atmospheric detection of low methane concentrations.
The appointment of the postdoc position is for a period of two years.
Qualifications for the Postdoctoral position in Organic Synthesis:
The position requires a Norwegian doctoral degree in synthetic organic chemistry or similar, or a corresponding foreign doctoral degree recognised as equivalent to a Norwegian doctoral degree. Other requirements are:
- Solid background in organic synthesis, preferably with experience generating complex molecules, and advanced spectrometric structural determination
- Prior experience with the chemical synthesis of cryptophanes
- Knowledge of how to study host-guest properties of cryptophanes
- Excellence in previous work and good track record
- Self-motivation and independence
- Excellent work ethic and commitment to the job
- Excellent command of English, both written and verbal. Interest in Norwegian language and culture is welcome.
How to Apply:
Qualified applicants can apply with the following documents:
- Application and motivation letter
- CV (max. two pages)
- Short description of your past research projects and their relevance to the current application (max. one page)
- Short description of your academic production (track record), highlighting three works that you consider most important for the current application (max. one page)
- Academic works (up to five). The doctoral thesis is regarded as one work
- Diplomas and transcripts
- Three references, including the PhD supervisor
Completed applications are sent through mail-> postmottak@uit.no
Important Dates:
Last Date – 31 July 2019